
EHESS, 105 bd Raspail, Amphithéâtre, 75006 Paris

For security reasons, registration by mail is required by August 31, 2016: write to (object: registration), indicating Firstname, NAME, and Affiliation in the message.

Wednesday, September 7

Special session in honour of Francis Corblin
09h15-10h15 Henriette de Swart (U. Utrecht) Reference to and via properties: a cross-linguistic perspective
10h15-10h55 Urtzi Etxeberria (IKER, Bayonne) &  Anastasia Giannakidou (U. Chicago) Beyond weak definiteness: D as quantifier domain restriction
10h55-11h15 Pause
11h15-11h55 Gerhard Schaden (U. Lille) A variable-free account of English one
11h55-12h35  Rick Nouwen (U. Utrecht) & Jakub Dotlacil (U. Groningen) The scope of nominal quantifiers in comparative clauses

12h35-14h15 Lunch

14h15-14h55 Julie Hunter & Nicholas Asher (IRIT, Toulouse) Composing discourse parenthetical reports
14h55-15h35 Katja Jasinskaja (U. Köln) Salience and (not-)at-issue status of subordinate clauses
15h35 -15h55 Poster session1 lightning talks
15h55-16h30 Poster session 1 with coffee [salle 7]
16h30-17h10 Yangsook Park (U. Massachusetts, Amherst) Obligatory de se elements with a de re LF
17h10-18h10 François Recanati (ENS & EHESS, Paris) Coreference de jure

18h15 Reception [salle 7]

Poster session 1
Tijana Asic (U. Kragujevac & U. Belgrade) & Veran Stanojevic (U. Belgrade), Prepositions, definiteness and telic constructions in Serbian: some new questions
Gemma Barbera (U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) & Patricia Cabredo-Hofherr (SFL, Paris 8), Two indefinite pronouns in Catalan Sign Language
Danièle Godard (LLF, Paris-Diderot), Barbara Hemforth (LLF, Paris-Diderot) & Jean-Marie Marandin (LLF, Paris-Diderot), An experimental approach to polarity mood in French
Anamaria Falaus (LLING, Nantes), Epistemic indefinites and presuppositions (Alternate special session)
Ezra Keshet (U. Michigan), Dynamic update anaphora logic (DUAL)

Thursday, September 8

09h15-10h15 Elizabeth Coppock (U. Gothenburg & SCAS) Definiteness and determinacy
10h15-10h55 Hedde Zeijlstra (U. Göttingen) On the locality and the strength of NPI and PPI licensing
10h55 - 11h15 Pause
11h15-11h55 Dominique Blok (U. Utrecht) Modals and scope economy
11h55-12h35 Michele Herbstritt (U. Tübingen) On the difference between modal adverbs and adjectives

12h35-14h15 Lunch

14h15-14h55 Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin U.) & Christopher Davis (U. Ryukyus) Expressives are not presuppositions: evidence from expressive wh-expressions
14h55-15h35 Moria Ronen (Bar-Ilan U.), Sassoon-Weidman Galit (Bar-Ilan U.) & Yael Greenberg (Bar-Ilan U.) An experimental study of a marker of answerhood degrees
15h35 -15h55 Poster session 2 lightning talks
15h55-16h30 Poster session 2 with coffee [salle 7]
16h30-17h10 Patrick Caudal (LLF, Paris-Diderot) & Eva Schultze-Berndt (U. Manchester)
Unusual possibilities? Exploring the Jaminjung modal system
17h10-18h10 Paul Portner (Georgetown U.) The relation between verbal mood and sentence mood

Poster session 2
Caroline Atallah (CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse), Laure Vieu (IRIT, Toulouse) & Myriam Bras (CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse), Formal characterization of a new set of causal discourse relations (Alternate 1)
Olga Borik (UAB, Barcelona) & M. Teresa Espinal (UAB, Barcelona), Numberless kinds: evidence from Russian
Elena Castroviejo (Ikerbasque & U. Basque Country) & Laia Mayol (U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), An underlying concessive structure for the two readings of at least (Alternate 2)
Natasha Korotkova (U. Tübingen), On the semantic uniformity of evidentials
Orest Xherija (U. Chicago), Revisiting the puzzles of before: lessons from Modern Greek
Kata Wohlmuth (U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), On the two distributivity operators - D and Part revised

Satellite event on Friday, September 9 Meaning, Optimization and Interaction Workshop (different location)

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